Sunday, October 26, 2014


Compare a fresh, crisp $100 bill...

With this one... 

Which one is worth more?  

Despite it's being tattered and worn, spit on and muddied, burned and soiled, you could probably buy $100 worth of stuff, even with the dirty hundred dollar bill.

$100 is $100 is $100…  

$100 has intrinsic value equal to 

And you are worth more...

You are much like the $100.  Except you are priceless...  

God has made you priceless.  You are worthy to God.  You have intrinsic value.  Whether you are a crisp Bill,  freshly printed, just recently born and devoid of error... Or a crumpled, dirty, filthy Bill, regretting most of your life.   You are still worth infinitely more than $100… 

And that is why your head trash has got to stop.  

If you de-value yourself with the words you say to yourself:   

I'm a failure.  I'll never amount to anything.  I could never be anybody.  I could never be loved by anybody...
... or any of a number of things you could say about yourself...  this is what your God says:

I Love you with no condition.  I Love you without reservation.  I Love you.  I Love you.  I am waiting for you.

You are still worthy.   You are called for great things. You are called to a specific purpose.  A purpose that can serve mankind!


I was asked recently to explain why I insist that our lives are about anything other than serving ourselves.    Why should we want to "serve" others?  Especially, if there's nothing in it for us?

All you need to do is give a gift to someone...  Give a gift to someone that did nothing to deserve it.  Do it expecting nothing in return, and witness the feeling that grace brings.  Grace is nothing more and nothing less than a gift that is undeserved.  Share a Thanksgiving turkey with a family that would never have been able to afford it.  Do it for no other reason than to give... and witness the transformation of giving in your life.  That will be explanation enough.   "Givers" gain in this world... and they gain more than money...  (Check out the BNI  motto... sometimes givers do gain money). 

People who spend their lives taking and not giving are missing one of the greatest blessings this life offers––  to give, and give abundantly.

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