Thursday, September 25, 2014

Growth is a Process

"Relax, growth is a process…"

… is what I keep telling myself in my journey of personal development…  in this adventure of leading myself.

I keep meeting people struggling to overcome this obstacle.  They don’t even have the words to understand what’s going on inside them.  But they’re frustrated with their jobs, careers, business, relationships…  

Have you ever felt like the same problems just keep coming up over and over?

I’m sorry to break it to you, but It’s true––  growth is a process.  And that means nothing more and nothing less than understanding a very simple concept:

Before you can get to steps 7 and 8…  you’ve got to figure out and take step 1.

I’ve been there before.  Trying to figure out why step 8 hasn’t shown up yet.  And I’ve placed the order in my dreams-book!  And I... I’m praying! Believing for step 8 to show up and just land on my doorstep!!!  Why hasn’t it arrived, signed-sealed-delivered?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the realization that we’re nowhere near where we want to be.  Take a breath. 

No one is exactly where we want to be.  We always want to be just a little bit further along…  Until, that is, we learn the subtle art of appreciating that growth is a daily process.

High performance leaders work their whole lives on becoming an overnight success.

“I’m a lazy person. I never get my work done when I know I’m supposed to do it. I’m just not a productive person..."

Realize that focusing on your past to determine “who you are” is an ineffective way of identifying with yourself.

You’re perpetuating a story about yourself that does nothing but cause you harm.

There's a season of sowing and reaping.  Just like a farmer needs to sow a field, tend the field, and continue to tend the field until the harvest time comes–– your growth works the same way.

The actions you have taken in the past are JUST the actions you took.  Redefine yourself and recreate yourself ONE STEP AT A TIME. 

Sow good seed in your daily routine and given enough time, you'll reap the reward of great habits.  It'll be hard and you won't be perfect.  

You'll be better tomorrow than you were yesterday if you put in the energy to change today...

Here’s a list of to-do’s that might help.
  1. Get all your auto-criticism out of your system by writing all the negative things you think about yourself on a piece of paper until you’re literally tired.  
  2. Burn the list.
  3. Write down in first person a new list of “I am” statements.  Such as  “I am a productive person.”  “I am a courageous person.”  (Even if you don’t feel it).
  4. Write down a list of things you’re grateful for.
  5. Determine a list of daily habits that could change your life.  
  6. Study high-performance, disciplined leaders and reproduce their systems one at a time in your life.  Little by little.  Over the course of a year, maybe.
  7. Start with ONE daily habit, then add another, then another.
  8. Reflect.  Learn.  Apply what you learned.
  9. Celebrate the little victories along the way to the big victories.
  10. Keep reading and keep learning.  Keep growing.  

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Importance of Positive Self-Image

Positive Self Image

Today I’m going to elaborate on one of the most important and limiting or enabling qualities of a human being.  I’m going to talk about the man or woman in the mirror.  

Your view of yourself determines your behavior.  Because your behavior today affects who you become and how you perform tomorrow, the Law of the Mirror says, you will never out-perform your self-image.

The value you put on yourself is the value that others will put on you as well.  
John Maxwell says, 
“If you place small value on yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise the price.”

Steps for Building a Positive Image  /  Visual:  Clearing the Muddy Waters  

When you are a baby your water is clean.  Let’s say that your psyche is this cup of water.  Your psyche is clean.  You have a personality, a potential, and a set of natural gifting that are yet to develop.  But as for the voice in a baby’s head.  It’s mommy and daddy’s cooing voice they hear.   

As we get older and negative events and voices start making their impact on our lives, the cup begins to get tarnished with these voices.  Until the voices become our own and we can’t distinguish between the negative voices. And the voices are nothing more than ideas we can believe or not believe.  Their truth value is determined exclusively by you.

I believe that every person is born with unique gifts and potential just waiting to be tapped into.  There are some people that can do things that I will never be good at.  I stick to the things that I’m good at and that I love. I work on a lot of the things I’m not good at so that I can get better, and because doing those things builds me up as well…  

(That doesn’t mean that I was always good at the things I’m good at today.  When we’re babies, we don’t know anything.  We naturally develop all the abilities we own today).

The problem is that many people never even give themselves room to develop the innate abilities within them.  They judge themselves by the way that water looks to them.  They say, water isn’t for me, when they have to put in the work to develop.  Because no-one who was ever great developed their abilities accidentally.  They slaved over those skill sets.  

Henry Ford said,  “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

The voices about yourself you believe determine the vision of the future you can achieve.
How many of you criticize yourself heavily on a pretty regular basis?  And it looks like:  “Man, I’m not good enough. Or, I can’t really do that.  That’s not something for me.  I’ll never be good at that… look at other people, they can do this so well… I wish I could be that good, but I’ll never be that good…”  ?

I used to call that the auto-criticism monster.  Other people call it the gremlin.  Some people call it the enemy.

In the little bit of time I have left, I want to show you a vision of what your life could be.  

This hazy glass is dark and murky.  This is your subconscious… your psyche literally has an unclear view of itself.  And so the vision of your future in turn is unclear.

The Secret is…

We need to flush it out. 

Our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves create emotions.  Emotions are ENERGY in motion.  Emotions affect our actions.  We think about our actions on a conscious and a subconscious level –– those thoughts create further emotion.  That energy in motion creates our behaviors.

We sometimes can’t control the thoughts or voices of our auto-criticism monster/ our gremlin.  But we can control what we say back to those thoughts.  We can control what we believe.  It takes work. But let me show you.

To build your self esteem:

  1. Guard your self talk.  Stop talking negative things to yourself.  Never say it out loud, even if it’s in your head.  Instead, talk to yourself out loud and say positive re-enforcing things.  Find positive adjectives and say them out loud while looking in the mirror.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to anyone. When you discover that the best version of you has unique things to offer that someone else doesn’t, you’ll be liberated.
  3. Create habits and disciplines to combat and kill the auto-criticism monster/ that deadly gremlin cancer.  Practice a small discipline daily.  Get up early and listen to empowering music.
  4. Celebrate small victories and log them in your journal.  (You should be journaling and reflecting daily)
  5. Write and speak positive adjectives about yourself and give yourself room to grow.
  6. Perform intentional acts of kindness and add value to others. 

Embrace growth is a process.  Breathe. Let yourself make mistakes and learn from them.

Our behaviors determine our habits.  Our habits determine our character.  Which in turn determine our DESTINY.

Make the glass clean.  

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Where There is No Vision...


There is a several thousand-year-old saying.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish."  You'll find it in Proverbs.

I want to challenge you today.  Do you have a clear vision for you life, your business, your relationships, your team?  Is it clearly stated so that the relevant parties are aware of that vision?  Have you written it down?  Is it in a visible place where you must see it often?
Visionary Leadership

Visionary leaders can see things the way they are in reality–– And they see things the way they are potentiality.  Both are a prerequisite to bring ideas into being.

Seeing things first as they are allows the visionary leader to assess the situation effectively and to begin to engineer change.  The ability to see the way things could be potentially enables the visionary leader to cast the vision and relate it to others.

Once the vision is clearly cast, written down, and communicated to all relevant parties, the next step is to bring the picture of the way things could be into the world of being.   


You will meet resistance as you pursue a vision that those around you cannot see.    To be a leader, by definition, means to go first where others have not gone. As you cast the vision of change that you want to bring about, you will find resistance.  Especially if your vision of change means others must step outside their comfort zones.

Often times, this resistance comes from your own leadership (such as superiors) and from your peers (your friends and co-workers).   

Visions often die between the "what" and the "how". 

The number one question that presents a danger to your vision is "how are you going to do that?"

This is where your grit and your mettle will be measured as a leader.  Often times, visionaries have the idea––  they have a picture of what they want to achieve–– and no idea how to achieve it.  And so they let the great idea die.  

Great ideas are a dime-a-dozen.  It’s the execution and bringing of ideas into reality that we recognize as extraordinary.

To avoid getting holes shot into your vision, make sure that you have your vision firmly planted in your mind.  Make sure that your vision is so clearly detailed in your mind that you could see, smell, taste, and touch your vision.  Make it such that if a genie granted you a wish and your vision suddenly became reality, you could walk through the new landscape as if it had always been so.  Make your vision familiar.  Make your vision the new normal.

Avoid sharing your vision with those that would discourage the vision for lack of all the steps necessary to make your vision a reality.  Some of your peers and leadership will require you to have a clearly cut plan.  Wait until some of the details are clear before sharing with these people.

The clearer the vision is in your mind, the more ideas will begin to mature from your vision as to “how” to make it a reality.  Once a few of the steps are clear, you may want to bring it to your mastermind inner circle.  These are the people that are fellow idea generators.  The individuals that can help take your idea to reality.  These are the people you trust will just take it as a given that your vision will be a reality.  These are the individuals that instantly jump into thinking of ways to manifest your new reality.

Next, take the next available steps!    

Often, only a few steps in your plan are visible to attain the vision in your mind.  Embrace the unknown!  A great leader takes the information at hand and makes decisions.  A poor leader waits for all the minute details to become clear and often misses the window of opportunity.  

As you move forward to attain the vision, resources will continue to make themselves available.  People will become attracted to your vision.  Because you behave as your vision is the already-certain future, and because your inner circle takes action toward that already-certain future, then others will begin to take it for granted that your vision is the certain-future

Some will remain against you until the very end.  Some will join you.   Be ready to meet resistance, but be ready to recruit help from those that are inspired by your vision.

Vision without execution is just hallucination -  Henry Ford